I guess it's like writers block. I can't think of a thing to blog about. Nothing much happening, basically waiting for the snow to be off the ground so I can get out in the garden. Mind you, there's not much snow but it's being very stubborn and seems to be clinging on to the ground. You'd think with all the lovely mild days it would have all melted. I do see more patches of grass showing up each day though. I've already started buying seeds. What gardener can resist all those lovely racks of seeds in the department stores. Every year I say that I'm not buying any more seeds but inevidably I'm drawn to the racks and walk away with a handful. I'll probably be going into the city in a couple of weeks and as my father loves taking me around to all the big stores, I dare not think what I'll come back with.
Himself is going to Spain in April for a three week visit with his daughter. Have I mentioned that before....probably! The brain is not what it use to be, lol. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to my time alone. I'm hoping that the weather will be nice as every spring I stain the floor of the deck and paint the railings. I will also have to take the screen door apart (it's an old fashioned wood frame one) and put new screen in. It gets torn up every summer by the cats. I bought paint for the guest bedroom, a bright salmon colour. I would like to get that painted next week. Then there's the usual spring cleaning to be done both inside and out. I don't understand how the property gets in a mess over the winter. In the fall I have it tidied up and when the snow melts all manner of things show up.
Did I say I had bloggers block. Guess I've gotten rid of a bit of it, lol. Here's some pictures of the cats taken recently.
Stanley in a box.

Ratch waking up.

Freya and Stanley.

Frankie having a relaxing afternoon.