First....the's been marvelous. We did get a bit of wind from the hurricane that went up north of us. We sat on the deck, it was warm, tropical, humid and the wind was making the big trees surrounding us dance and twirl. It was energizing!
Last weekend we had a bit of a party outside as the summer was so bad weather wise we didn't really get a chance to do much. Had a great time with about ten of us. Lots of food and drink. It was a perfect day, sunny and warm. Sunday we just lazed around.
Monday I tried to do some outside work but was feeling drained, couldn't figure out the problem but did notice that one side of the roof of my mouth felt like I had eaten something too hot and burned it. Tuesday morning I woke up with a bad infection going right down to the neck glands. Managed to get a doctor appointment for after lunch and am now on medication. Still feeling not quite myself. On top of that, himself came down with a bad cold. Something he never gets. He's a bit feverish and just plain miserable. Only time will fix that up. I have a dentist appointment in Gander on Friday and company coming for over night on Saturday, (three people). I'm just hoping that I don't come down with the cold himself has. So, that's what kind of week it's been.
There are more Crane flies in the garden this year than I've seen since I was a child. It must be due to the kind of summer we had. They are all over the place and eating everything.
I've managed to take a few pictures this past while. I haven't gotten out around again but plan to soon.
Stanley and chicken enjoying the shade.

Early morning.

Sea Holly, now with it's blue colour.

I do like thistles even though they are very prickly.

And this lovely spider.

And, last but not least, it's the eyes on this creature that fascinates me.