After the Pumpkin I had threw itself off the deck and committed "Pumpkin Suicide", I emailed the friend who grew it and brought it to me, telling him what had happened. He emailed me back and said that I would not be without a Pumpkin for the 31st. He and his wife dropped by yesterday and told me I would have the pumpkin in the afternoon. Well, shortly after they left it poured down with rain, so later in the afternoon, still raining, I phoned them to say that it was just too wet and miserable a day for him to be doing this. His wife said he was outside, soaking wet, taking the inside of the beastie out and they would be over with it shortly. He had already done a larger one but it was so big he couldn't get it in the car. Before long they arrived and lugged the creature up and onto the deck. Put it in one chair and it broke the chair, lol, had to get another chair and managed to get it in that but it wouldn't go all the way into the seat. Never the less, it stuck there. Now are they great friends or what!! Early this morning I was out carving a face in it. I am so pleased.