It's really late and I got curious. I made up this slideshow for Mom---she'll kill me for being in here---This is a test. They are pictures of Mom's flowers over the years . click below
wytchwood Flowers
Note: You must have Flash to view this. To install Flash click here
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Monday, January 29th. 2007
My father who lives in the city phones me, with excitement in his voice says:
"We've got Hedgehogs in here."
"WHAT!!!!!!!" I say.
Says he, "HEDGEHOGS....we've got Hedgehogs in here now."
I say, "What on earth are you talking about?"
He says, "There's a pet store that has four and they are selling for $70.00 each."
Now, knowing how much I love the little creatures, I think he figured I would be rushing in to get one, and to be honest, I had a brief moment of thinking the same myself. lol. Of course, me being me, I will be thinking about them for days hoping they get good homes.
On to the health.......I have improved. Still can't do any heavy work but hopefully soon I will be back to normal. We will go to Gander on Wednesday, weather permitting of course, and I will get an x-ray. I expect I will be worried about the results of that until I hear from the doctor.
Another load of snow coming overnight tonight. Went out to fill the feeders this morning and was up to my knees in snow. I notice when bad weather is on the way, piles of Juncos come to the feeders to fill up especially just before dusk. Well, that's about it, not a darn thing happening here. At least nothing very exciting.
"We've got Hedgehogs in here."
"WHAT!!!!!!!" I say.
Says he, "HEDGEHOGS....we've got Hedgehogs in here now."
I say, "What on earth are you talking about?"
He says, "There's a pet store that has four and they are selling for $70.00 each."
Now, knowing how much I love the little creatures, I think he figured I would be rushing in to get one, and to be honest, I had a brief moment of thinking the same myself. lol. Of course, me being me, I will be thinking about them for days hoping they get good homes.
On to the health.......I have improved. Still can't do any heavy work but hopefully soon I will be back to normal. We will go to Gander on Wednesday, weather permitting of course, and I will get an x-ray. I expect I will be worried about the results of that until I hear from the doctor.
Another load of snow coming overnight tonight. Went out to fill the feeders this morning and was up to my knees in snow. I notice when bad weather is on the way, piles of Juncos come to the feeders to fill up especially just before dusk. Well, that's about it, not a darn thing happening here. At least nothing very exciting.
Friday, January 26, 2007
January 26th., 2007
In my previous post I said that I hadn't been feeling well for a few days. In fact, I really hadn't gotten back to normal since I had pneumonia several weeks ago. I got to thinking.....although I figured I had a cold coming on, it hadn't progressed, still, I was getting chills, bit of a sore throat, I figured from coughing so much and headaches. Then being exhausted and going to bed at 6:00 pm didn't make sense to me. So, as the weekend was almost upon us and there would be no doctor available I managed to get an appointment yesterday morning. Well, he tells me that I still have pneumonia! I had a suspicion that was the problem. He tells me he is giving me a prescription for heavy duty antibiotics and I have to go get an x-ray next week. I go to the druggist for my pills and she says, "So, the last pills didn't work, well, he has the big guns out now." Took the pills around noon and lay down, I can only think that they knocked me out as I didn't wake up until almost 4:00pm. I managed to stay awake until about 6:15pm then went out like a light again. Thankfully, I am feeling a little better this morning.
Just checked the forecast, now they are saying that it's suppose to get mild the next few days. Whoo hoo can't wait.
Just checked the forecast, now they are saying that it's suppose to get mild the next few days. Whoo hoo can't wait.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
January 25th., 2007

Yesterday we had another snow storm. Blizzard conditions at times. Now they are saying that we are in for much worse tomorrow. In preparation for the weekend, we put wood on the deck so we won't have to wade through heavy snow to get to the woodpile. I was up on the ladder three times yesterday pushing the snow off the hens "solarium" and shoveling out around their door. The poor little birds, mostly Juncos, were battling their way to the feeders. They were using the platform feeder so several times I had to clear that off and put more seed down. The storm abated last night and this morning it is very calm.
We finally got the driveway shoveled out, then Roger went to the store to get some things we may need. He walked, an hour there and back. I told him that he was quite mad, never the less off he went. So, we are prepared for the worse, if indeed it does hit us tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Little birds, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Monday, Jan. 22nd, I think!
Got up before daylight as usual and on looking outside saw that we got another foot of snow since yesterday. This on top of what was already there. The cats wouldn't go out because the snow was too deep. Got on my big ski-doo boots which come up to my knees, bundled up and went out to clear the deck. After doing that, I shoveled a path to the chicken house. Then I got up on the ladder and pushed as much snow as I could off their "solarium" roof. Needless to say I had a few off colour words to say. Came back in to get feed for chickens and fresh water, brought that out, and I can say, they are none too happy. No going outside today for them. Next thing was to get the snow off the platform feeder as there were a lot of Juncos trying to find seed. That done, had to come back in to get containers of food for them. I will have to shovel a path to the feeders sometime this morning and get the snow off the wood to get some inside for the fire. We are waiting for the plow to go by so we can get at the driveway. And to think we have another two months of this.....Argh!!! Now, if I look at this in a positive light, as I am trying to lose some weight, think of the calories I am burning. lol. So, must get breakfast, then out and at it once again.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Took these pictures a few days ago. They are not the best as I took them from the kitchen window and it was snowing at the time. Not much happening around here. It has turned mild this past few days. +2 C. What a difference from the -18 C. Positively balmy. Chickens have been able to get out around a bit. The deck is clear of snow and the pathway I had shoveled to their house is free of snow as a lot has melted with the milder temperatures.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Another cold day

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
January 17, 2007

I just had to show these pictures. I put out some left over lasagna for the crows and looking out a short time later this cheeky little guy was having a grand time with it. So cold here this past few days, -12 overnight and suppose to stay the same all day, tonight and tomorrow. I despair when it gets this cold as I worry about all the creatures outside. Crazy I know! It's suppose to warm up some by Friday, hopefully the weather people are right.
Roger has been in the city since Monday, coming back today. He went in to take some slides of old houses for my daughter. She will be having a show at the gallery in June and is gearing up for that. As it snowed all day yesterday and the plow has been up and down the road many times, I expect the driveway is packed with the damn stuff. Will have to take a look when it gets light so will probably spend the morning shoveling. Sigh.......
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Another Snow Day

It snowed most of yesterday and overnight. Thankfully it was light snow and we didn't end up with a ton of it. The pictures are not very exciting I'm afraid but never the less it gave me a chance to try out the new camera once again. The chickens are not very happy with it all and the cats are just sleeping most of the time and bored. Ah well, with any luck the weather will warm up and maybe we will be back to spring like conditions. Or..... winter has set in now and we won't see the ground again until April.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Just a few more
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Friday, January 5th.
Tiny knock at the door, open the door, no one there, then as my eyes go down to the ground I see a tiny prickly little treasure, who looks up at me and says, "I'm the bloke wot Anna sent!" Am I over the moon or I actually have my own little hog. Not hogless anymore, yay. Once he gets over his jet lag, I'm hoping he will tell me his name. At the moment he is sitting comfortably by the computer on an extra mouse pad. I can tell you, he's a charmer this one.
As to the virus we have been suffering through, well, we are on the mend. Still weak but getting better with each passing hour it seems. The weather has been marvelous, above zero so the chickens have been spending most days running around outside. A bit of sun yesterday had them all stretched out in the rock garden, quite a sight to see. A strange lack of wild birds though. I was asking a friend this morning if he noticed the same thing and he said there weren't many coming to his feeders either.
I soon have to get my new camera out of the box and start reading the manual. This is where I start wanting to chuck it all in, therefore, I'm waiting until I'm feeling better before I get myself in a state of frustration. In the meantime I will add the software so I will be all set to go in a day or two.
As to the virus we have been suffering through, well, we are on the mend. Still weak but getting better with each passing hour it seems. The weather has been marvelous, above zero so the chickens have been spending most days running around outside. A bit of sun yesterday had them all stretched out in the rock garden, quite a sight to see. A strange lack of wild birds though. I was asking a friend this morning if he noticed the same thing and he said there weren't many coming to his feeders either.
I soon have to get my new camera out of the box and start reading the manual. This is where I start wanting to chuck it all in, therefore, I'm waiting until I'm feeling better before I get myself in a state of frustration. In the meantime I will add the software so I will be all set to go in a day or two.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Tues. January 2nd, 07
What a way to start the new year, I got on the bus early Saturday morning to leave the city and come home with my new camera clutched to my chest. I was feeling a little nauseas during the ride but as I hadn't bothered with breakfast before I left, put it down to that. Arriving home around 11:30 am, made a quick sandwich and could only manage to get down part of it. I was starting to feel rather miserable by this time but Roger wanted to see the camera so we sat on the sofa and he had a look at it. The batteries were dead and with the manual in tow, still couldn't figure out how they came out. By this time I was really feeling miserable and said I simply had to go to bed, where I've been since Saturday. Fever hovering around 102 degrees all days, body aching, chest sore from coughing, headache and very, very weak. Haven't had any thing to eat since Saturday, but have managed to get down some liquids. Now, would you believe, Roger has come down with it. So here we are both very weak and one trying to look after the other. I managed to get a doctor appointment for this morning, but Roger has to wait until tomorrow. I just hope I can get something for this horrible malaise and get it cleared up quickly. It's taking a lot out of me to write this but it's just to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
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