Saturday, August 09, 2008

What I found.....

in the sunflower seed feeder. I heard chattering near the back door and surprise, surprise, this little darling was looking at me.


Stewart said...

Thats better than our Chichi Oc. The second picture is fantastic, with him peeping out under a 'coolie' hat!

oldcrow61 said...

lol BB, that picture cracked me up.

The Quacks of Life said...

naughty litte squidgy

Tricia Ryder said...

Now that's brought a big smile to my face OC - he's a star!!

Cicero Sings said...

Super pictures. Squirrel antics ... so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how cute is he? Aren't you blessed?

Jan said...

Fell about laughing at the second one, just like he's wearing a little hat, so very cute!

Anonymous said...

I love you little "china-hat" squirrel.

oldcrow61 said...

lol, he/shes a cutie.

The Wessex Reiver said...

Great photo's OC. Maybe you could hang some feeders off "him indoors" Viking Helmet... a wildlife photo if ever there was one to be had.

oldcrow61 said...

Nice to see you islands. lol BR, now that's something I hadn't thought about.