It's been an odd winter weather wise. Not much snow and a fair bit of drizzle and rain. Temperatures mostly hovering around zero. We haven't seen the sun in a while but to be honest, I'm not complaining. With the milder temperatures and lack of shoveling what usually seems like tons of snow, I can take more of this.
There's been little or nothing happening here so not much to blog about. The chickens have been having a good winter being able to come out most days and spend time on the deck with the occasional banging with beaks on the back door looking for treats and I'm foolish enough to take care of their demands, lol.
The Grosbeaks are here most days now. As long as I have lots of sunflower seeds on the feeders they will come. I've seen a few Nuthatches which pleases me greatly. I usually have lots of them around but last year I didn't see one. This was a great surprise as I can't remember ever not seeing them regularly.
I had two odd experiences with the crows recently. Early morning, not a sound, not even a whisper of wind, an eerie feeling really, a feeling of expectation almost. I go to the platform feeder with breakfast for the crows but hadn't seen any around. I leave the feeder and on the way back to the house I look up and there I saw a tree full of crows, not making a movement or a sound. I felt I was caught up in the dance of the universe, being one with nature and the crows. I really can't describe the feeling.
And so, I feel the promise of spring already. Maybe it's the weather that's giving me that feeling of excitement.....digging, planting, weeding, all that good stuff. Not long until April. Himself is going away for three weeks in April and I'm looking forward to some "alone" time.
A few pictures taken recently.
Chick a Dee.

Evening Grosbeaks.

