It's been a busy weekend with the parents here. They arrived on Friday and went back home today. The weather wasn't condusive to doing anything outside like sitting on the deck soaking up the sun, oh no, in fact Saturday morning we had flurries. Temperatures at zero when we got up this morning but it has warmed up slightly. My mother had brought out a bunch of hard cover books to donate to the library so we went over there Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening we were invited to a friends for dinner. It was lovely.
Saturday morning himself phoned from Spain and when I happened to mention that it was snowing, he said he wasn't coming back, lol. I've done hardly anything in the garden and am hoping for some sun and warmer temperatures soon. So much to do and time is marching on.
The birds have been quite active. The purple finches are still around and coming to the feeders each day. The squirrel is back and forth at the sunflower feeder. I'm assuming it's the same little one. I just can't resist that face and take far too many shots.

Woodie trying to get to the suet but Mr. squirrel is not having any of it.

Chickens finding treats.

This one figures she can find better stuff up in the compost heap.

The perinnials are coming up and the chives as always are one of the first things to shoot up.

This was the first winter for the Faux Cypress and it seems like it came through with flying colours.

This piece of wood is getting pretty weathered. I don't expect it will last a lot longer. I've had it a good many years now and must say the it's one of my favorite things.

And so, that's about it for now. I have a lot of catching up to do now that my company has gone.