The sky is so heavy with rain that it's almost as dark as night. More people than me are wondering if we'll ever get a summer this year. We bitch and complain about the weather a lot in this neck of the woods but as my brother says, when fall comes, we look back and if we've had two weeks of great weather in July we talk about what a wonderful summer we've had.
We went to Gander on Thursday and on the way back we hit snow. You could hardly see down the highway for a while. Still, the perinnials are all coming up. We had frost one night this past week and I lost some of the annuals that I had potted up. I had them covered overnight but it didn't help.
I needed a new hand trowel as the one I have is a bit rusty and bent out of shape. I bought a new one and it's too cute to get dirty.

We've heard that there is a bear in the area so we have to keep a sharp eye out when outside. The birds are still quite active. The grey Jays have been bringing one "baby" to the feeders. Although the said baby is as big as the adults but still fluttering the wings begging for food.

The Boreal Chick a Dee is still hanging around. It seems to me that there is only the one as that's all I've seen.

Big yawn!! What else is a cat to do on these miserable days but sleep.

Back at it!

Even himself is feeling a little down. I went in the bedroom yesterday morning and he had two teddies sitting on the bed...the girl teddy rubbing the boy teddy's head. Was this a hint that he needed some comforting, lol.