It's been t-shirt weather this past few days. Can hardly believe it as we are in November. Of course it's not going to last but it did give me the opportunity to finish up some things out side. I'll not get the perennials cut back, a job I'm now leaving until spring. I did find this beauty under one of the eaves when outside working around yesterday.

It appears to be abandoned so I'll likely remove it in a day or two.
Some good news. My father has finally gotten a hearing aid. It was so difficult to talk to him especially on the phone. The conversation would go something like this....
Me. "It's raining here today."
Him. "What, you're straining?"
Me. "No, Dad, it's RAINING here today."
Him. "I don't know what you're saying."
Now it's....
Me. "It's raining here today."
Him. "It's raining here too."
lol, what a difference it's made.
Then I have this fellow here. We get up a couple of mornings ago and himself says "I was up three times last night, I thought I heard someone letting the air out of the car tires. I got the big flashlight that lights up things for miles and each time there was no one there. Then I realized it was you breathing." ahahahahaha!
It's raining today but still quite mild. I've been preparing for company coming for a few days on Thursday. Last week I made a fruit cake with brandy. I got the recipe from a fellow blogger, Cicero Sings. I made it last year and it was a hit. I also made a cherry cake. Both now in the freezer until the holidays.
A few pictures taken this past while.