The rain is pouring out of the heavens this morning and I'm not complaining. It's a lovely sound to hear. It should give the snow a good cutting. Mind you, it's going to take more than a days rain to get rid of what we have on the ground.
I've been feeling that spring is in the air lately even though I know we will no doubt have more snow off and on and chilly days. Still, the feeling is there. So with that, I bought a fire pit when we went to Gander on Thursday for our monthly shopping. Yep, I've got great plans for spring and summer this year. I even bought cloths to go on the garden tables and colourful serviettes. Call me crazy but I've even hauled my box of seeds out and have been dreaming of what to plant.
Himself has been talking for some time about getting a digital camera. He spent years using a film camera and has taken some brilliant shots from many places around the world. However, this digital thing, well, he's had a hard time getting his head around it. At one point he tried to read the manual that came with my camera and gave up in defeat saying he'd never get one of these things. Anyway, on our monthly trip last Thursday, he decided the time was right to get a camera. I said, what about learning how to use it, you know how frustrated you get. With that he said, well I have all the time in the world on my hands so I'll just take the time to learn.
After arriving at our destination, we went into the camera shop. After much fussing about he saw the camera he wanted, it's like mine only two steps up. He was asking the woman there questions about the camera but unfortunately she knew little or nothing about it. This got himself in a bit of a state to say the least. Then he said he'd like to see the manual that comes with it. "No manual comes with it" she said "you have to read it off the computer. " Well, that did it. I almost left the shop in embarrassment! I leaned over close to his ear and said, "For heavens sake, will you stop yelling and swearing, everyone in the shop is staring at you." He says, "Every things gone to hell in this X Y Z world (as he likes to call it.) So he asks to see another more expensive camera, one that has a manual in the box with it. Now, I forgot to mention that I'm phoning my daughter in St. John's with questions he wants asked and answered about these cameras. So, he asks the woman if this camera takes macro shots. She doesn't know! He's getting himself in a right state now. She says she will try to get a hold of someone who might know. She does and it does. Okay, so now he asks if the first camera takes macro. She says she thinks the button with the small flower near it is a macro button. She calls the person again and gets confirmation that it is. Himself erupts...." How is a person to know that a flower by a button means macro." (I haven't put in the swear words.) Well, without going any further, he bought the first camera. I was exhausted to say the least as this was going on for an hour at least. I won't go into detail on what happened when we got home just to say that friends dropped by and tried to convince him that he could learn to use the camera one step at a time. He said he was taking it back. Two days later, and the camera still hasn't been taken out of the box but he's relenting a little saying that maybe he will try to use it.
A couple of pictures I took this past week.