It was a hard day yesterday. Our dear old cat Ratch was euthanized. She had gone blind and was fading. No matter how many times you lose a pet, it never seems to get any better. She ruled the roost here and few of the others crossed her path without getting a slap across the head, lol. Aw, she was a good old soul and would cuddle on the chesterfield with himself every evening patting his beard, her way of saying "pet me". She will be missed.
Taken last summer.

This week has been stressful for another reason as well. We are getting an extension put on the house. The old bathroom has been torn out so a new one will be built plus a small pantry and a sort of sitting room. Since last Monday I feel that we have been living back a hundred years ago. No hot water, no toilet, boxes and bags piled throughout the house and just a pathway on the deck to get to the door. The lawn is still full of wood and windows, etc. They expect to be finished in another week and then there will be the inside painting to do along with the outside painting. I didn't realize how hard it would be to have my "nest" upset like this.
The first thing they had to do was move a massive boulder.

It took some struggling but they finally got it out of the ground. It's now placed under one of the trees. It's a lovely big rock.
It's raining here this morning but work is still going on outside. I'll be glad when it's all over.