I foolishly thought that spring was here until we got two snow storms in a row. It had been lovely with mild temperatures and bits of the ground showing up. Then we got this....

I know some of you winter people would be cheering and I agree that it looks pretty....for a while but I don't like it. The sun seems to be giving off considerable warmth now so I'm sure the snow won't hang around for too long. Mind you, there will be more of the white stuff yet to come but I don't expect it to last for very long. I guess I'm just over anxious to get out at the garden once again.
So here we are, a week later, and that scene doesn't exist anymore. The snow is slowly shrinking and it's started to look springlike again.
I've been trying to do some spring cleaning but it's been a slow process because I get waylaid by ie: getting some painting and painting the bedroom ceiling. On the weekend, I made red currant jam and an Irish Soda bread that himself has just about finished off.

Lots of birds taking advantage of the feeders these days.

Mouth stuffed with sunflower seeds.

Frankie wishing the snow would disappear.

Early morning sky.