Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The snow has finally all disappeared.  The weather has been mostly rainy but we've had a few decent days.  I managed to re-cover the greenhouse with plastic.   A job that needs a day without wind which is hard to find here at times.   Anyway, the day finally presented itself and I got the job done.   It's an easy job but time consuming.   Hauling off all the slats that keep the plastic down, measuring areas, then measuring plastic then nailing the slats down again.  The bottom of the door has rotted so I've taken that off and will try to bang something together to replace it. 

Yesterday we had sun so I did mostly yard work.   I finished weeding one bed and got a start on another.   I felt at the end of the day that I had accomplished something.   I thought to myself, if I had a couple of people here for a few days I'd get it all done.   We got a notice that clean up week starts next Wednesday so I'll have to spend part of the coming weekend clearing out the shed and getting rid of stuff.  

This weekend is a long one, Monday being a holiday.   I expect we'll see an influx of people coming to open their summer houses and cabins.  And so it begins.  Traffic and strange faces up until Labour Day weekend in September. 

New birds have been at the suet feeders for days now.   Yellow Rumped Warblers.   They are so pretty.   Small birds as well. 

The White Throated Sparrows have arrived as well.

And, much to my surprise, what I thought at first was a large nest very high up in a Birch Tree, was a Grouse.  Not a good picture as the dawn was just breaking to the East. 


Sondra said...

Glad you got your project done, and had to laugh at "bang out something"
A Grouse up in a tree is a surprise. Before you know... the Summer people will be on their way back to the comfort of the Big House and normal will resume,,,Had the same experience when I lived on the Beach in Brooklyn, the Beach Club opened on Memorial Day and closed on Labor day so the beach was full of strangers. Normally it was just me and the sea gulls trying to enjoy the cold wind and blowing sand.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I still have not completed the weeding in my wildflower bed. The warblers are so pretty. I haven't ever seen them. We just saw the white throated and white crowned sparrows at the feeders here on their way north to your area. We still have a few here resting up at the feeders before they complete their journey north.

oldcrow61 said...

Sondra, While it's nice to see new faces over the summer, it's a sense of relief when it's all over and things get back to some kind of normalcy.

Marnie, It's exciting to see new birds and others returning. The warblers are still here and I'm enjoying seeing them every day.

Alison said...

Your birds are beautiful! We are blessed with an abundance of English robin, chickadees and sparrows in our back yard. For the most part I think we are about six weeks ahead of the Maritimes weather-wise, so its been warm for the most part and everything is blooming like mad.


oldcrow61 said...

Ali, you're well ahead of us. We don't even have leaves coming out on the trees yet. The tulips are just coming through the ground. I envy you the spring over there. I don't know if you've heard the expression "April showers bring May flowers in July." So true, lol

Anonymous said...

Your birds are so pretty, small ones are generally pretty aren't they?

I recently saw a gannet and a golden eagle in Scotland.

We don't get chickadees here.

The Quacks of Life said...

i am pleased that the snow has FINALLY gone OC.

some lovely birds