Thursday, March 01, 2007

March 1st, Need Bird ID

This is the best shot I could get of these birds that arrived this morning. It wasn't quite daylight and had to take the picture from inside the house. If someone knows what they are, please let me know. Funny, I've been getting birds here in the garden lately that I haven't seen here before. There is red under the tail near the rump and yellow on tip of tail.

Update on the Starlings....I had been getting three Starlings at the feeders for about a week and a half, yesterday, around lunch time I looked outside and my jaw dropped, tons of Starlings all over the place. It will be interesting to see if they all come back again.


Anonymous said...

You have a nice flock of Bohemian Waxwings. The red under the tail and the little white patches on the wings distinguish them from the smaller but similar Cedar Waxwing.

oldcrow61 said...

Thanks so much for the ID. I just googled them and got some information. Lovely birds.

Lola Morningstar said...

They are soooooo cuuuuutee..ooooohhhh..wish i had seen them.

Anonymous said...

Yes we have the Cedar Waxwing here I believe. They are really cute. I tried taking the picture through the window of the bird feeder and it was a mess!!

Boo said...

Yes, definitely waxwing. They are very similar to ours.