Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Another BEAR in the Garden

Just a few minutes ago I heard the chickens give a warning cluck so went out to investigate as I figured a dog had gotten loose again. There before my eyes was another Black Bear sitting up as pretty as could be. I ran for the camera and as I got out he was just walking away. Too bad as it would have been a beautiful shot of him sitting there. I only got one picture.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Hope he doesn't discover your chicken house. I'd be a little nervous with bears hanging around. My border collie would alert me but what would the bear do about a barking dog?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Don't suppose he/she is after a chicken dinner?


oldcrow61 said...

Marnie and Ali, the bears have never bothered the chickens. They were clucking because they saw this big thing there and probably thought it was a dog, so they were nervous. It would be good at these times if I had a dog as it would at least warn me of the presence of a bear.

Tricia Ryder said...

Ooooh - I do love it when I see the word "bear" in your blog title. It's maddening that the subjects move before you get the camera poised.

Nonetheless, a great shot of a lovely beastie!

Bimbimbie said...

Oooooooh*!* Do you think he's following the bees to your lovely bee balm plants, he might have a sweet tooth ;) he's very handsome. Do you get many visits from bears?

The Quacks of Life said...

aw you jammy wotsit

oldcrow61 said...

Bimbimbie, We don't often get them, just every once in a while.

Pete, wish you had been here to see the beauty.

avalon said...

Do you think it could be the same bear you had a couple of weeks ago ? Great picture.

oldcrow61 said...

Avalon, I'm not sure if it's the same bear or not. This one seems bigger.