Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Fairy Doors and Bear Update

I've hurt my hip! I don't know how this happened, it seemed I woke up a few mornings ago and there it was. I did have a similar thing happen about 6 or 7 years ago and it put me in bed for three days but eventually got better. At that time it was caused by too much digging in the garden and carting heavy things around outside. This has given me a chance to get at some things I wanted to do inside, ie: make Fairy Doors. I had to get himself to accompany me up into the woods so I could gather some moss, small spruce cones and sticks. Normally I wouldn't need anyone with me but with the bears around it was just too risky. So, there he is behind me with his little toy cap gun, lol. He's hoping that it will make enough noise to scare a bear away, lol, lol.

I made three doors and here are the results. My first try at it. Now it's a matter of finding a place to put them. No doubt two will go on the trunks of large trees near the ground. The other in the house somewhere. Maybe in a closet. They've been found in old houses under stairs and in cupboards.

On talking to some men up the road, they said there were three bears in the vicinity. One apparently quite large. They had also been around their houses and they had their guns at the ready. Hoping, not to shoot the bears but to shoot in the air to scare the bears. The same thing was worrying them as was worrying us.....that the bears didn't seem to have any fear of humans.
Then yesterday afternoon we went to the council office as I wanted to buy one of the composters they were selling. There we were told that Wildlife had been called and a live trap was put quite near us and that they were thinking of putting another trap there. I wish they would move off or go in the trap to be relocated as I don't want anything bad to happen to them.

Another picture.

A couple of Mushrooms I came across.

Some Ground Ivy or Cat's Paw as it's also called. Every time I see it I'm seeing it in illustrations in a childrens fairy tale.


ShySongbird said...

Hmm, fairy doors and fairy are getting very, whimsical OC ;) Seriously though I love the fairy doors, what a lovely idea, I particularly liked the first one, I think I may have to try this!

So sorry to hear about your hip, it sounds painful! You must be careful especially when bending to open the door for the fairies ;)

Another nice picture of the bear, have you thought of asking him where Goldilocks is?

oldcrow61 said...

Shy Songbird, I'm still just a child at heart and of course it helps that I believe in fairies. I won't have to bend to open the fairy doors as they are the only ones who can open them, lol. Funny you should mention Goldilocks. I just got an email from a friend asking if there had been any yellow haired little girls seen in the vicinity of the bears, lol. Yes, do make some fairy doors. They are very easy to do.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I love your fairy doors. What fun, I'm wondering if I have enough scraps of wood around to make one.

Hope they manage to relocate the bears somewhere far away from people. Also hope your hip get better soon.

Jj Starwalker said...

I love your Fairy doors! I will have to think about making some for here as well.

oldcrow61 said...

JJ and Marnie, I'm sure you can find stuff to make the doors if you forage around. They are fun to make.

Tricia Ryder said...

Oooh, I don't think any self-respecting fairy could resist your lovely doors OC.

I saw something similar in some public gardens not far from me. There was even a little table and chairs in front of the door!

And it's great that a part of us never grows up :D

Keeping my fingers crossed that the bears will take the hint!

oldcrow61 said...

ooooh, wee table and chairs. You're putting ideas in my head.

Cicero Sings said...

Love your fairy doors OC. I'm sure those fairies are out there ... certain parts of the woods are just too tidy! They will be very appreciative of those doors I'm sure.

I do hope those bears take the hint and move off. I always hope the same when a bear wanders into our vicinity.

Cicero Sings said...

P.S. I had a good laugh over the image of a big grown man with a cap gun facing off with a bear.

oldcrow61 said...

Cicero, yeah quite the picture, lol.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of fairy doors before. Yours are very pretty. I hope your hip is on the mend and that the bear population can be persuaded to shift locations!


The Quacks of Life said...

hope your hip is better oc

Amila Salgado said...

Sounds like the Bears are doing very well there. I'd be very excited to see one in my yard. Our Sloth Bear is scarce.

Joan@CopperCreeker said...

I love the fairy doors. If you have a willow tree nearby why not try making bendwood fairy furniture.
My BabySis has been dealing with bears. Her home joins forestry land and 3 bears have been showing up in their little community. They've been joking about The Three Bears. Last I heard the forestry service was going to put out traps and relocate the bears.

oldcrow61 said...

J, lol, sounds like your sister is going through much the same as I am. They've caught two of the bears here and relocated them,

Nan and =^..^= said...

Your Fairy Doors are so enchanting and so is the bear from a distance!