I'm finally getting around to blogging once again. I've painted the guest bedroom, a pretty pink, and am quite pleased. It's brightened the room considerably. I've put away all the garden ornaments and emptied all the plant containers and stored them until spring. I did get some of the perennials cut back but I'm afraid I'm not going to get the rest done as I've simply left it all too late this year. It's going to be a busy spring for sure. I've put new plastic on the chickens green house area, a job I dread doing but one that must be done.
I have no complaints about this fall at all. It's been marvelous. The trees have turned colour and lots of leaves on the ground. I did rake up a large bag full, it's a start at least. I'm hoping to get to the city this coming weekend as I'd like to do a bit of Xmas shopping. I know, it's early, but I do have family living away and have to mail packages.
Himself has a friend from boarding school days coming next month for a few days. They have been friends since they were both teenagers and every year since they have spent a few days together. Amazing really after all these years.
So, on to a few pictures.

Early evening.

A little something I bought last week.

One of the last wild flower to bloom.

Lots of Jays around.

And, of course, can't forget little nutty.