Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Surprise for Me.

I had a wonderful surprise a few days ago.  My granddaughter who was suppose to fly in from Ontario tomorrow, changed her flight to an earlier date and no one told me.   So, my daughter and granddaughter arrived at my place and gave me the biggest surprise.  They stayed for a few days and it was just wonderful.  After supper one evening we went down to the beach.

Daughter and granddaughter.

Some pictures from around the garden.

The weather hasn't been very good at all but the plants seem to be thriving.  Not a lot of birds around these days either.   I'm hoping it's because they've gone further afield.   I miss the chick a dees and nuthatches as I usually have loads of them.   I did see a chick a dee the other day going off with a pile of nesting material in it's mouth.    


Tricia Ryder said...

oh WOW - a wonderful surprise indeedy .. and so lovely to see some summer colour and flowers in your garden :D

Alison said...

That's a wonderful,surprise! I think your garden looks great, regardless of the weather.


The Quacks of Life said...

ah that's lovely

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise. Garden looks superb.