Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So much to do!

Well, it's a miserable rainy day. The cats are all curled up asleep on beds and chairs. Partner is napping, and I'm thinking of all the things I have to do and want to do in the coming months. Although the days have been relatively warm, the nights are getting quite cool and the feel of fall is in the air. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day so as I had a lot of plants started from seed and still in pots I decided it was time to put them in the ground. Spent the morning moving other plants to other areas to make room for the new ones. This meant digging, lifting, and carting soil from the compost heap to the new areas. I was beat by noon as I usually go at this stuff like a mad person and want it all done yesterday. At least I had a feeling of acomplishment when I finished. I lay down after lunch for a bit of a read and two hours later, woke up. I've started collecting seed from some of the plants and the next fine day I have to cut large bunches of herbs and hang them up to dry. I do this every year and the only place I have to dry them is the small guest bedroom. Needless to say for a period of time the room is packed with drying herbs but I love the smells and it only takes a couple of weeks before I can bag them. Then I have to get to the beach to get a load of sea oat grasses to make Bridget Crosses. I have to cut alder branches to make Dream Catchers and I have to make up a pile of Protection Kits. That's for starters! Next month, I have to amend the earth in most of the gardens, cut back plants and move some to better areas. Then a general tidying up until next spring. I'm hoping to get back to painting over the winter and am also considering writing a childrens book. Something I've been putting on the back burner for some time. I bought a bunch of jointed teddy bears and I want to make clothes for them so I can give them as gifts. Don't know how much of this I will accomplish before the spring seed catalogues start arriving, then I will be lost altogether. My partner was told by the doctor today that he has high cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar in his blood so he has to go on a strict diet. Ha, ha, and ha! I just heard him say he was going to the store to buy a lemon pie. He will start his diet tomorrow, he says. Well, the rain looks like it's held up for awhile so must try to do a few things outside.


Boo said...

Oh dear OC, I don't envy you getting him to stick to the diet. Been there, done that, got the video, the t shirt and the book!

Crikey, I felt tired just reading about what you plan to do!

oldcrow61 said...

lol Boo. Yep, he says he is starting his diet today. We shall see!

nicola said...

I look forward to reading your writings oc, if its owt like your blog I will be hooked and enchanted

oldcrow61 said...

Aw, you're too kind Nic. Thanks.

Nikki said...

Definately have him stick to that diet!

My hubby has high cholestoral, high tri's and is diabetic.

He sticks to his diet and I no longer have to deal with Mr. Moody Man Who I want to Choke. LOL

oldcrow61 said...

You are right Nikki, he's been doing well for three days but is more adjitated now that he can't have his goodies. lol. However, he does seem to have more energy. Every now and then he will say something like, "Maybe the Doctor was wrong and I don't need to be on this diet."