Another spring like day though still tons of snow around but it's days like this that gives you renewed hope that winter will soon be over. I keep hauling my packages of seeds out gazing wistfully at them and my head swirls with thoughts of all I want to do once the ground shows up.
Some pictures I took this morning. Unfortunately, I'm not getting much further afield than the garden these days. I just don't feel like going somewhere, trudging through all the snow about to see what I can find. A friend, Nic, told me to try making my pictures larger, like 900, so that is what I have done with these and I'm pleased. Thanks Nic, you have been so helpful. There is the squirrel, just can't resist him. A Blue Jay, funny I was wondering why they had been so scared of me most of the winter and think I now know why....most of the year when in the garden I have a scarf on my head (pirate like, lol) but I have been wearing a big old winter hat and I don't think they recognized me. Normally I can get quite close to them. So today I was back to normal and put a scarf on once again. The jays didn't fly away so I guess they are saying, "There she is, she's back." The picture of all the little birds on the feeder are, I believe, Pine Siskins.