Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Ostara

Spring, if it hasn't fully arrived, it's on its way. I checked some of the plants that weren't still covered with snow and I see buds on my Tree Peony and Azalea Bush. The Russian Olive tree, which is still quite small, is coming out in leaf. This is the time when the Green Man is wandering the woods bringing everything back to life. I expect before long we will see the fairies dancing.

Okay, okay, this is the last time I put pictures of Jays and the squirrel on here for awhile. Anyone reading this must be saying not Jays and that darn Squirrel AGAIN!!! It's just......he's soooo cute.


The Quacks of Life said...

he is cute though!!

Jan said...

Awww pretty please keep putting the squirrel on your blog! He ought to have his own photobucket album I reckon. :)

oldcrow61 said...

Ha, ha, don't tempt me. On the other hand...that's a thought.

nicola said...

noooooooo dont stop posting photos of cute squig or the bluejays we love them!!!

Oh and dont tell pete, but I will try and get some hotel room shots of him whilst away...just for you ;)....but shushhhh

oldcrow61 said...

oooooooooh, it will be our little secret. Won't say a word, shusshhh!

The Quacks of Life said...


oldcrow61 said...

Psst! Nic, I think trouble's a brewing.

nicola said...

dont worry oc, ive found out what room he will be in and Ive rigged up a cam that will conntect to the internet so you will be able to see what he is up too 24/7, but dont tell him...shusssshhhhhhh

oldcrow61 said...

You are sooooo clever, brilliant idea. Will have to keep very quiet about this. Shushhhhhh!

The Quacks of Life said...

i've already bugged her :D

Anonymous said...

Hello - lovely photo of the squirrel and jay.I see we have had quite a fun conversation here. Where are the photos of Pete in the hotel??? Just kidding!!

nicola said...

Hi ofw.....of you want some hotel photos, just give me the nod and I will send them to you too....but please dont tell pete....what you after shower or bed shots??

oldcrow61 said...

Shower pics would do me nicely Nic. You are soooo kind and generous. lol

nicola said...

Will do OC, now do you think he is a boxers or briefs kind of guy??

oldcrow61 said...

Definitely boxers. Whoooooo Hoooooo!