Not much going on as usual. My foot is doing fine. Could have been a lot worse. Still favoring it a bit as I don't want to twist it again before it's completely healed. Every time I get up on the ladder to clear the snow off the chickens "greenhouse" area, I think of the bad fall I had last winter, falling from the top of the ladder and hitting the ground. Funnily enough I didn't even get a bruise although I was a bit sore for a day. I was outside bringing in wood this morning and there were a lot of woodpeckers and nuthatches about. I don't know if it's that they are so use to seeing me that they let me get easily within 3 or 4 feet of them. Maybe they are like that everywhere. I have lots of pictures of them but still can't stop myself from taking more, lol.

This picture is for my friends on the other side of the Ocean who are out in T-shirts and cutting their lawn....I'm so jealous!! As you can see, we are still in the deep freeze here. A beautiful blue sky this morning but cold.

And last but not least...a friend gave me an Amarylis bulb at xmas and it is now in bloom.
the nuthatch is wonderful OC
Is that snow! Could do with some ice for the drinks.
Thanks Pete.
Nooooo st, I DON'T want to hear about you sitting outside having drinks in your lovely weather, lol. You're breaking my heart here. Now you have me picturing an idyllic summer day here doing the same thing.
Hello Oldcrow:
Just a comment to let you know that I was here visiting. Your pictures are great! I like to leave my footprints when I visit so you will know who was here. I hope your foot is better by now.
I hope the man in Calgary wasn’t still in bed when he was bomb barded…lol
Please feel free to visit my blog anytime, You might want to leave a comment too if you like. Have a great day….
Hello Oldcow:
It seems strange calling you, (Old Cow), *S*…. Anyway, thank you for your comment, and yes San Francisco is a very Interesting City. There was a lot more I wanted to see but time was very restricted. Like I said, I have a lot more pictures and one day, I might do a 'part two' to ,’The Streets Of San Francisco!
You might take a look at, That is Jo’s Blog.
Jo and I wish you both a Happy Valentine’s Day!!
JD, it's not oldcow, it's oldcrow. lol. Will have a look at Jo's blog.
Thank you for your much appreciated comments .... I've just had a delightful trip around your blog, and I was like a kid in a sweet shop, I just didn't know where to start! I love all your photos. Your photos have not only made me want to keep visiting your blog, but made me want to visit your part of the world. Many thanks... Cindy PS If I may I'll add you to my 'links list'.
Hi OC, I love the bird pictures! What are those cute little fluffy birds on your Feb 8th blog? They are so cute.
Thanks Cindy. Carmenzta, those birds are Redpolls.
And from "those over the pond enjoying Spring" it's nice to see some snow and winter pictures. We don't get much in the way of snow these days.
border reiver, lol, it would give me the greatest pleasure if I was able to send it all your way. Ah well, I'm living in dreams of when it's all gone.
Hi OC, never mind T shirts, it was -5 here yesterday. I wish we could get some good snow though. We used to get a bit in the 80s but I reckon we won't get scenes like Dickens Xmas cards again...
To see exactly where I am look on my blog and then to the link on the right for Xtra!
You live in a lovely place...
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