Yesterday was a dreary day so we decided to hop in the car and drive to a nearby community. We went in the shop there to have a poke around and bumped into the dentist we had before he retired and moved out this way. He and his wife invited us to their house for tea, so off we went. Had a lovely visit. They are very nice people, we must have been there for two hours, chatting. They did drop in here before he retired as they wanted to see the gardens, had an enjoyable time then as well.
A lovely sunny day here today. No sign of the grouse this past few days but did look out and saw Redpolls on one of the feeders. Got my gear on and the camera and quietly and slowly walked outside. They are very nervous birds so I figured they would be gone by the time I got the camera ready to shoot. They were some distance away but managed to get a few pictures. It's great to see other birds coming around now.

that is so ridiculously unfair OC
lol Pete, loads of them at the feeders all afternoon.
Some people have all the luck! That must be an amazing sight to see!
Yeah, they are pretty cute. Eating a lot as well, I have to keep putting more seed in the feeder during the day.
Hi OC did you know that you have two Hoary Redpolls in there with the Common Redpolls? It must be fantastic to have them on a bird table...
Really! Wow! I'll have to google them so I can tell the difference. Thanks. Had at least 100 here yesterday. They have been back again today.
Top photo. Bird in the top right corner facing away with white rump and speckled flanks ( look at heavy flank streaks on others)and bird 2 is immediately left of the half bird perched on the table edge.
In pic 2 the bird head on looks good for Hoary too.
Pic 3. Two birds in bottom right one facing laft the other right.
And the bottom pic its the half bird ( head missing) along right hand edge...
Hoarry = paler and more fluffy with a more speckled and less streaked appearance with white rump and white under tail.
Common = Slightly darker and more distinctly streaked with some streaking under tail and not such a white rump.
lol, I see what you mean now. I would never have known. Thanks loads.
Wow all those beautiful birds, all puff-ied up though because of the cold, poor things!
Lovely blog pictures, and blog, which I've picked up from the Boulmer Birder site. Hope you don't mind if I link to your blog. Nice to see what's happening in Newfoundland (my ex's Father came from St Johns)
Hi border reiver. Don't mind at all if you link to this blog. Have you been over this way?
Never been that way, but I should as half my family also live in Ontario(siblings emigrated from Norway in the 1920's - but my grandfather came to England). Best regards (Andrew)
Good heavens, relatives in Canada! You have no excuse for not coming this way. Especially to this province. It's a world apart from most of the rest of Canada.
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