The first picture, and you can hardly make him out, he's in his bath. There's a special dust that goes in it and he gets quite excited when he sees it. So funny to see him jump right in and roll around. In the other pictures he was out running around having a great time.

Chinchillas make nice pets I believe, it's one of the only small furries that I've not had actually. I used to know someone who bred them to sell, they used to fetch a lot of money a few years ago here, especially the mutation colours. Very cute. Hope that cat hasn't got designs on him though! I see its feet in one of your pics!
What a little cutie! Will he get bigger or has he stopped growing?
Toffeeapple, I'm pretty sure he has stopped growing.
Aw, I love chinchillas but alas, have only seen them in pet shops looking sad and sleepy.
Bless... it makes me miss my two chinchillas, or "squigs" as we used to call them!
They are gorgeous soft things, and so much fun to watch, if not very cuddly.
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