I've been so busy all week. I had a muddy patch on part of the garden what with all the rain we've been having and it looked like the grass wasn't going to grow back. So Monday I dug up about 10 buckets of earth, no mean feat in itself as I had to go all over the place getting a shovel full here and a shovel full there. I spread that, then I dug up clumps of grass and earth that had grown into some of the beds and laid that down. I don't know how many wheelbarrows full of sod I put down, but a lot. I was going full throttle until sometime in the afternoon and I can tell you my body was burning with pain by the time I stopped. I'm pleased with it and that's the important thing.
Today I've been trying to weed but the black flies had me driven crazy and they are biting now. I had to come in many times just to get away from them but did get a bit done. Just finished mowing the grass but couldn't do the pathway going along near the stream as it's still far too wet in that area and there are trees shading it as well. Hopefully we'll get a few days in a row of sun so it has a chance to dry up.
The bees are arriving finally. Saw a few very large Bumble Bees. Also saw what I think was a Fritillary and another very small pale blue flutter.