Friday arrived. In the afternoon a couple of people stopped by to see the parents which was great as my dad gets really bored when he's here. He's a mall walker! No malls in this area I'm afraid. We had a lovely afternoon, coffee and lots of cookies. I've never eaten so many mom brings lots of sweets when they come. Then that evening more company came, more sweets, but it was a good day. They left early Saturday morning and phoned when they arrived home saying they saw a momma bear with two cubs along the way. I asked my dad if he got a video of them, No, he says, he didn't want to stop. Says he's sorry now he didn't.
Sunday we were invited to Brunch at a friends house. A nice crowd of us there and what a spread of food, wow. Lots of different breads, cheeses, beans, scrambled eggs, buns, fruits, jams, I could go on and on. It was fantastic.
Monday we had an appointment with a new dentist, wasn't happy with the one we had. He's from Romania and a very nice young man. I had a couple of small cavities and he had a problem getting the teeth frozen. I was not happy! This has never happened to me before. Anyway, all in all it wasn't too bad. Got home around supper time. I was beat, it was a long day.
Yesterday I spent the day in the garden potting up plants, etc. Just stopped long enough for lunch and supper. There is some colour in the garden now. Not much yet mind you, but enough to give me joy.

Only noticed a little beastie in this flower when I took it off camera.

Primrose, I think!

Grape hyacinth.

I can never think of the name of this one....anyone know??

Amazing how many sweets older folk (older than us even) consume. My Mom (93 almost 94) would be happy to just live on sweets. We've cut way back on our own sweet consumption.
Dentists and doctors ... always hard to venture forth and try a new one. We've lived up here for 2 1/2 years and our dentist is still back in the town I came from. No doctor at all.
Yes, it is Wednesday... lol I hear what you are saying about keeping busy.
What ever the name of the one plant is, it is beautiful.
Just wanted to thank you once again for all the seeds you sent my way last fall.Yesterday after the rain I planted almost all of them.Im in hopes they'll do their thing.Ive had a problem getting the patchouli seeds this year,I seen them last year through a site in Sask.But no luck so far .I will keep looking.Have a good day,may the sun shine almost always,and I'll see you in July.
My mum does live on sweets! Sad but true, well almost. Whenever I speak to her she says she didn't have any dinner that day, but has demolished about a pound of pick and mix!
Can't help you with the plant either, I've seen it around but don't know the name. Can't find it in my book either.
Jeanie, great to hear from you. Don't forget to drop by in July.
Been waiting all day for the name of that plant to pop in my head, hasn't happened yet though, lol.
Hi Oldcrow, the plant is a Pulmonaria spp, also known as Lungwort over here. I can't tell you which one as there are many cultivars. I hope your greenhouse has recovered from "being hit" LOL BR
BR, that's it, Lungwort. Thanks.
The primrose is a primula I think, I have some just like it. Pretty.
I have lungwort too, but mine has almost blue flowers.
My tulips this year didn't come up. :(
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