Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Exciting Day.
Well, two days actually. There were these birds at the feeders so I took some pictures. I was thinking that they were Siskins but after putting them on the computer I thought, no, they aren't Siskins. So, I get my bird books out and find that they are American Goldfinches. According to the maps in the books, they shouldn't be here. They are found in the northern U.S and part of Canada but not here in this province. I'm sure most of you know how exciting it is to see something new at the feeders. They were a bit nervous so had to take pictures through the window in the door. You must forgive me for posting all these pictures but heigh ho, it's a new one for me.

Friday, December 26, 2008
Boxing Day
It's a day for us for just relaxing, reading, napping and making an early night of it. It's been a cold day, -10 C nearly all day and going down to -18 C tonight. The sun has been shinning but not giving much warmth.
Christmas Eve we had friends come. They all brought food and drink. I wasn't expecting this so with the food I had we had more than enough. It was a great evening. One of our friends who has a wonderful voice sang a couple of songs, lot's of story telling and laughter. The food was wonderful and along with the wine, etc., I made Irish coffees near the end of the evening. The ice candles that friends brought at Yule were still frozen solid so I placed them up the walkway again.
Christmas day, rain. The ice candles melted. We opened our presents after we had our coffee poured. I've nearly finished a box of chocolates and the thought of eating one at this point makes me feel quite nauseous, lol. We were invited out to friends house for Xmas dinner. A lovely meal with plum pudding with a rum butter sauce for dessert. I was so full that before long I was falling asleep, lol. We got back home fairly early in the evening and it wasn't long before we climbed into bed. Sunday we're invited to another friends house for brunch. I daresay I'll be on a diet after New Years.
There still haven't been many birds about. Monday when it was snowing there were quite a few Juncos about and a couple of Evening Grosbeaks were at one of the feeders.

Cat looking wistfully out the window.
Christmas Eve we had friends come. They all brought food and drink. I wasn't expecting this so with the food I had we had more than enough. It was a great evening. One of our friends who has a wonderful voice sang a couple of songs, lot's of story telling and laughter. The food was wonderful and along with the wine, etc., I made Irish coffees near the end of the evening. The ice candles that friends brought at Yule were still frozen solid so I placed them up the walkway again.
Christmas day, rain. The ice candles melted. We opened our presents after we had our coffee poured. I've nearly finished a box of chocolates and the thought of eating one at this point makes me feel quite nauseous, lol. We were invited out to friends house for Xmas dinner. A lovely meal with plum pudding with a rum butter sauce for dessert. I was so full that before long I was falling asleep, lol. We got back home fairly early in the evening and it wasn't long before we climbed into bed. Sunday we're invited to another friends house for brunch. I daresay I'll be on a diet after New Years.
There still haven't been many birds about. Monday when it was snowing there were quite a few Juncos about and a couple of Evening Grosbeaks were at one of the feeders.

Cat looking wistfully out the window.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Yule to All
Storm brewing up! I was outside just at dawn and could here the wind high up brewing up a storm. Now the snow has started to fall and at times it's swirling around in the wind. I find it very energizing when this happens. To stand out with the force of nature all around, puts a big smile on my face.
Last night we had a few friends here for a Yule celebration. The first friends came through the door, put gifts on the table, then said "We'll be back in a few minutes." and went outside again. After what seemed like a long time, we were wondering what was going on. They came back in and said "You have to come outside and look, we have a surprise for you." Putting boots on I stepped out. They had made Ice Candles and had them lining the pathway up to the house all lit up. I was so overwhelmed, it was absolutely magical. What fantastic friends to do this. I took a picture of them on the pathway but the picture didn't do them justice. I did get a close up of one, they were about a foot high.

I was out before daylight to put them away, hoping they will last until xmas eve when I can set them along the pathway once again.
Last night we had a few friends here for a Yule celebration. The first friends came through the door, put gifts on the table, then said "We'll be back in a few minutes." and went outside again. After what seemed like a long time, we were wondering what was going on. They came back in and said "You have to come outside and look, we have a surprise for you." Putting boots on I stepped out. They had made Ice Candles and had them lining the pathway up to the house all lit up. I was so overwhelmed, it was absolutely magical. What fantastic friends to do this. I took a picture of them on the pathway but the picture didn't do them justice. I did get a close up of one, they were about a foot high.

I was out before daylight to put them away, hoping they will last until xmas eve when I can set them along the pathway once again.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Just Pictures.
We had snow over night so took a few pictures. You can see some bits of snow on the squirrel and as you can see in one photo, he had gotten into the peanut butter that I had stuffed into a pine cone. He's holding a lump of it in his paws.

These two were taken before daylight. Tree on deck.

An overcast day so pictures are quite dull although it had brightened up a bit for the squirrel pics.

These two were taken before daylight. Tree on deck.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Lazy Day
What great friends I have, not only when the TV hit the floor did they come and fix it, and putting the card in the cell phone but the other day the fan on the computer was making a noise so had the computer off all day and they came over that night and fix that up. The fan was hitting the grill that covers it. Not only that but I had done something when shutting the computer down earlier in the day and couldn't get into it after fan was fixed. Friends had to put on windows xp disk and get it cleaned up. I told them if they saw my number show up on their phone again.....don't answer, lol.
Cleaned out the chicken house yesterday and found an egg in one of the boxes. I came running into the house to show him inside with egg held high as if I had a pot of gold. Then, today I checked and lo and behold, another one. How strange for this time of year. The don't usually start again after molting until early spring. It's too cold to let them out around today so they are spending their time in their greenhouse area. I just went out with some treats for them and stay and chat for awhile. They tell me that they're a bit disgruntled about it all. Ah well, maybe tomorrow it will be a little warmer I tell them.
It's a cold overcast day so have spent the better part of it inside. According to the weather report, we may have some shoveling to do tomorrow.
I stuffed a large pine cone with peanut butter and hung it from a tree branch. The little squirrel is enjoying it. I didn't figure he could resist such temptation.

The larger woodpecker was around.

Can you see a chick a dee in this picture, lol. I'm having the worse time trying to get pictures of them as they are moving so fast back and forth to the feeders these days.
Cleaned out the chicken house yesterday and found an egg in one of the boxes. I came running into the house to show him inside with egg held high as if I had a pot of gold. Then, today I checked and lo and behold, another one. How strange for this time of year. The don't usually start again after molting until early spring. It's too cold to let them out around today so they are spending their time in their greenhouse area. I just went out with some treats for them and stay and chat for awhile. They tell me that they're a bit disgruntled about it all. Ah well, maybe tomorrow it will be a little warmer I tell them.
It's a cold overcast day so have spent the better part of it inside. According to the weather report, we may have some shoveling to do tomorrow.
I stuffed a large pine cone with peanut butter and hung it from a tree branch. The little squirrel is enjoying it. I didn't figure he could resist such temptation.

The larger woodpecker was around.

Can you see a chick a dee in this picture, lol. I'm having the worse time trying to get pictures of them as they are moving so fast back and forth to the feeders these days.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday Morning.
In some respects, you can tell how far behind the times I am. I bought my first cell phone a month ago for emergency uses only. We do travel on the highway at least once a month and if we break down or have an accident, and as there are fairly long distances that are empty of stores, houses, etc. we figured it was a good idea. I haven't used the phone yet and as the month was up and I wanted the minutes not used to go on this months card, I bought more minutes to put in. So, I had the instructions and they seemed very simple. Call a toll free number and I would be told what to do. Now the fun begins!!! A mechanical voice comes on telling me to enter my cell phone number. I gave the cell number and voice says something to the effect "This does not compute." I tried it several times and kept getting the same result. I was getting a little furious to say the least telling himself that I was going to call the company and give them a blast. Himself says "Let me try, maybe a male voice is needed." This didn't make much sense to me, but heigh ho, let him try. Again, no luck. So, phoned a friend for help. She came and in no time had the minutes added. The problem......I was using my voice to tell them my cell phone number instead of entering it with the phone keys. I felt a right fool. But I did learn something, lol.
Yesterday on getting up the temperature with +17 C. We couldn't believe it! In the early morning I was outside in my pajamas only, leaning on the gate, contemplating it all. It was unreal for this time of year. We did have another brush of snow overnight but it's suppose to warm up again in a couple of days.
This morning I've been polishing some of the silver, a job I really don't like. Also, my mind has been planning Yule celebrations. I just don't know where the time is going. We're having people in for Yule and again on Christmas Eve. Lots to do for these events coming up.
We've had a fair bit of rain lately and I could hear the stream rushing so decided to take the camera and walk over to see how it was. Here's a short video, turn on your sound.
Yesterday on getting up the temperature with +17 C. We couldn't believe it! In the early morning I was outside in my pajamas only, leaning on the gate, contemplating it all. It was unreal for this time of year. We did have another brush of snow overnight but it's suppose to warm up again in a couple of days.
This morning I've been polishing some of the silver, a job I really don't like. Also, my mind has been planning Yule celebrations. I just don't know where the time is going. We're having people in for Yule and again on Christmas Eve. Lots to do for these events coming up.
We've had a fair bit of rain lately and I could hear the stream rushing so decided to take the camera and walk over to see how it was. Here's a short video, turn on your sound.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
So....I go to bed last night and himself stays up to watch a program on PBS. I read for a while then turn light off and go to sleep. A voice by the side of the bed:
"Stanley is hauling the decorations off the tree and I can't get him to stop."
"Uh huh." says I and drift off to sleep again.
Some time later:
"He's now pulled off half the lights and I've thrown them back up as I don't know where you had them."
Awake now and muttering a few expletives, I stomp out of the bedroom.
He says:
"We'll have to put stuff under the tree so he can't get at it."
I am NOT in a good mood!
Stanley is still at it and I have a heck of a time trying to get him out from under the tree. Finally manage it and start looking around for things to hamper his way.
Himself suggests that I pile xmas presents underneath tree.
"He'll rip all the papers off them." I say. So I'm stomping around trying to find stuff to fix the situation. We now have large vases and ornaments beneath said tree and cats can't get under. Ah, the joys of the season!
I finished the kitchen ceiling yesterday, at least as much as it's going to be finished at this time. Looks much better. I still haven't got the cards done out. I started to do them last night but friends came by so I put them to one side hoping to get that job done today. There simply doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything done. I seem to be so busy lately and don't ask doing what, because it seems to be all sorts of small stuff.
I've been flooded with memories of Christmas's past lately. Always at my grandparents house. Christmas Eve family and friends would come by with gifts. Drinks and food would be served. After much talk and laughter someone would go to the piano, everyone would gather around and sing Carols. It was wonderful. Of course me being a small girl, I would be waiting anxiously for the morning when I'd steal down stairs to see what Santa had brought. The evening would end with everyone singing "Bless this House." Christmas morning, grandmother would be bustling around the kitchen making preparations for the big dinner to which family were invited. Leaves would be added to the dining room table and all the good china and crystal would be brought out. I can still smell the wonderful food cooking and the Carols being played. People would start arriving and dinner would be served ending with a wonderful plum pudding with caramel sauce. Always after that the TV would be turned on to hear the Queens Christmas message. The adults in particular would be so full of food that they'd be dozing off. Some of my little friends would come by to see what Santa brought me and grandmother would serve us each a glass of syrup and a piece of xmas cake. Ah, the memories. What I wouldn't give to have my grandparents around for just one more Christmas. But, I do have wonderful memories to keep with me.
We've had a brush of snow. Not many birds around which I find surprising. I did see some Juncos a couple of days ago so I guess they are on their way back here for the winter. I did get this picture of the smaller woodpecker this morning.
"Stanley is hauling the decorations off the tree and I can't get him to stop."
"Uh huh." says I and drift off to sleep again.
Some time later:
"He's now pulled off half the lights and I've thrown them back up as I don't know where you had them."
Awake now and muttering a few expletives, I stomp out of the bedroom.
He says:
"We'll have to put stuff under the tree so he can't get at it."
I am NOT in a good mood!
Stanley is still at it and I have a heck of a time trying to get him out from under the tree. Finally manage it and start looking around for things to hamper his way.
Himself suggests that I pile xmas presents underneath tree.
"He'll rip all the papers off them." I say. So I'm stomping around trying to find stuff to fix the situation. We now have large vases and ornaments beneath said tree and cats can't get under. Ah, the joys of the season!
I finished the kitchen ceiling yesterday, at least as much as it's going to be finished at this time. Looks much better. I still haven't got the cards done out. I started to do them last night but friends came by so I put them to one side hoping to get that job done today. There simply doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything done. I seem to be so busy lately and don't ask doing what, because it seems to be all sorts of small stuff.
I've been flooded with memories of Christmas's past lately. Always at my grandparents house. Christmas Eve family and friends would come by with gifts. Drinks and food would be served. After much talk and laughter someone would go to the piano, everyone would gather around and sing Carols. It was wonderful. Of course me being a small girl, I would be waiting anxiously for the morning when I'd steal down stairs to see what Santa had brought. The evening would end with everyone singing "Bless this House." Christmas morning, grandmother would be bustling around the kitchen making preparations for the big dinner to which family were invited. Leaves would be added to the dining room table and all the good china and crystal would be brought out. I can still smell the wonderful food cooking and the Carols being played. People would start arriving and dinner would be served ending with a wonderful plum pudding with caramel sauce. Always after that the TV would be turned on to hear the Queens Christmas message. The adults in particular would be so full of food that they'd be dozing off. Some of my little friends would come by to see what Santa brought me and grandmother would serve us each a glass of syrup and a piece of xmas cake. Ah, the memories. What I wouldn't give to have my grandparents around for just one more Christmas. But, I do have wonderful memories to keep with me.
We've had a brush of snow. Not many birds around which I find surprising. I did see some Juncos a couple of days ago so I guess they are on their way back here for the winter. I did get this picture of the smaller woodpecker this morning.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday Morning.
I got the new seed catalogue in the mail yesterday. Put it to one side as I didn't want to look at it. The reason being, I buy too many seeds, then in spring, end up with too many seedlings, have to put them out during the day and bring them in every night until temperatures warm up and end up getting fed up with it and I really have more than enough plants already. However, I couldn't resist temptation and the catalogue now has plant seeds I want, marked....sigh! What is it with us gardeners. I've heard it said that we are a mad lot. lol
Had a bit of wind overnight and on getting up, before lighting the fire, could feel a few drafts. But hey....just means the house can breath. Nice and cosy here now and I'm just taking a break from painting the kitchen ceiling. Hauled the ladder in last night so I could get an early start this morning. It's hard on the neck though.
I've put a tree with lights on the deck and it looks quite pretty. It was a mild day and as Roger was working on one of his staffs I decided it was a good time to haul the tree out of storage and get the job done. Other than that there's not a lot happening. I phoned a place in Gander to get someone to come and look at the oven and I have to wait until they get a few jobs to do out this way so it's worth their while to make the trip. So....could be a while yet.
I'm off to get at the painting again. I expect I'll be all aches and pains come tomorrow.
Get up sleepy head...."Yawn, must I."

"I really don't want to."

"Oh well, a wash is in order."

"Nah, I'm going back to sleep."

"Tut, tut, what's to be done with that lad?"
Had a bit of wind overnight and on getting up, before lighting the fire, could feel a few drafts. But hey....just means the house can breath. Nice and cosy here now and I'm just taking a break from painting the kitchen ceiling. Hauled the ladder in last night so I could get an early start this morning. It's hard on the neck though.
I've put a tree with lights on the deck and it looks quite pretty. It was a mild day and as Roger was working on one of his staffs I decided it was a good time to haul the tree out of storage and get the job done. Other than that there's not a lot happening. I phoned a place in Gander to get someone to come and look at the oven and I have to wait until they get a few jobs to do out this way so it's worth their while to make the trip. So....could be a while yet.
I'm off to get at the painting again. I expect I'll be all aches and pains come tomorrow.
Get up sleepy head...."Yawn, must I."

"I really don't want to."

"Oh well, a wash is in order."

"Nah, I'm going back to sleep."

"Tut, tut, what's to be done with that lad?"

Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Sunday, cold and overcast.
I got most of the holiday decorations up this past week. I get great joy at this time of year when I open the big trunk where most of it is stored and all the wonderfully bright colours are there before my eyes. I started early this year, don't know why but the spirit took me and I went with it.
It's been a trying week off and on. The oven problem which I don't want to talk about but can say that I'll be doing some baking at a friends house this coming week. Then, we went to the post office yesterday to mail a few packages, came home and the television, 20 inch, heavy old thing was face down on the floor have knocked off the corner of the coffee table and wires torn out of the back of it. How it came down is beyond me as it was set in the wall, more or less. Looked around for guilty faces on cats but they were all asleep. However, we figure the boys must have been chasing each other and some how managed to bring down the television. Before turning it over I had visions of the screen been all broken out but it was in good shape. Had to get friends over to help repair some of the plugs and I won't go into all the goings on with that but all is well and everything working again. Then I had downloaded the new version of Firefox and ended up not being able to get Firefox at all. A good things friends were here so got that sorted. We are truly blessed with good friends.
We went to the library in the afternoon. They had decorated the xmas tree and had coffee, juice and cookies for all. Had a chat with a few people then home again.
Some pictures.

His magnificent self (no I don't mean Roger, lol) with his Santa hat on.

Can't forget Old Bones in his sleigh.

It's been a trying week off and on. The oven problem which I don't want to talk about but can say that I'll be doing some baking at a friends house this coming week. Then, we went to the post office yesterday to mail a few packages, came home and the television, 20 inch, heavy old thing was face down on the floor have knocked off the corner of the coffee table and wires torn out of the back of it. How it came down is beyond me as it was set in the wall, more or less. Looked around for guilty faces on cats but they were all asleep. However, we figure the boys must have been chasing each other and some how managed to bring down the television. Before turning it over I had visions of the screen been all broken out but it was in good shape. Had to get friends over to help repair some of the plugs and I won't go into all the goings on with that but all is well and everything working again. Then I had downloaded the new version of Firefox and ended up not being able to get Firefox at all. A good things friends were here so got that sorted. We are truly blessed with good friends.
We went to the library in the afternoon. They had decorated the xmas tree and had coffee, juice and cookies for all. Had a chat with a few people then home again.
Some pictures.

His magnificent self (no I don't mean Roger, lol) with his Santa hat on.

Can't forget Old Bones in his sleigh.

Friday, December 05, 2008
We've had Snow!
But first, for Lily, who wanted to know how I did the wreaths. It's quite simple really. At times during the year I have to cut back branches of Alders and Willows. I keep the thinner ones, take the leaves off, make a circle by joining them here and there with wire, adding more branches as I go along, depending on how thick and big I want the circle. Then I just hang it up inside the house somewhere to dry until I need it. Then I buy the fake spruce garland, usually comes in 9 ft. lengths. I wrap that around the base (circle of branches) until I get the fullness I want. If it's a large wreath I often use two garlands. A bit of wire here and there keeps it attached. Then anytime I come across pine cones or anything else around that I find interesting, I pick it up and keep until I may need it. The fruit, berries, etc. I buy. I want the wreaths to last for years that's why I use fake garland and the fruit and berries. I then get my wonderful Black and Decker glue gun and start adding the decorations. The herbal wreaths I make are with the herbs from the garden that I dry for a couple of weeks, then glue them onto the bare circle of branches.
Ok, snow.....
Woke up yesterday morning with everything outside white with snow. Mind you, it wasn't much, maybe an inch. Still it looked quite pretty and the air was so fresh and crisp. It warmed up overnight and this morning the ground is bare. I've been terribly busy all this week and have hardly had time to read blogs. This morning I have someone coming to hopefully fix my oven. We tried to fix the new thermostat on ourselves yesterday, took the back off the stove, saw all the wires that needed to be attached to the thermostat and promptly put the back on again. lol Frankly I'm getting a wee bit agitated at this point as I want to do some baking.
A few pictures from yesterday morning.

Another idea for a simple basket. I'm going to fill this one with nuts.
Ok, snow.....
Woke up yesterday morning with everything outside white with snow. Mind you, it wasn't much, maybe an inch. Still it looked quite pretty and the air was so fresh and crisp. It warmed up overnight and this morning the ground is bare. I've been terribly busy all this week and have hardly had time to read blogs. This morning I have someone coming to hopefully fix my oven. We tried to fix the new thermostat on ourselves yesterday, took the back off the stove, saw all the wires that needed to be attached to the thermostat and promptly put the back on again. lol Frankly I'm getting a wee bit agitated at this point as I want to do some baking.
A few pictures from yesterday morning.

Another idea for a simple basket. I'm going to fill this one with nuts.

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