Himself went off on Sunday headed for Spain. He says that a couple of health problems he's had have left him since he's been there. I think it must be a bit of a coming home for him as he spent 20 years in Spain. As to me here, I haven't stopped working in the garden since he left. It seems I get a lot of weeding done and a day or two later I'm astonished at how many of the weeds have come back. It seems an unending job and I don't know how many more years I can keep it up. If I had a half a dozen fast workers here for a day I would have it all done.
At the moment I'm waiting for my parents to show up. I worry about them on the highway as my father is almost 90 years old, has a bad hearing loss and can only see out of one eye. Can you see why I'm worried!! He was suppose to have his eye fixed up this month but they've changed his appointment to September.
It's another glorious day. Yesterday it reached 32 C here in the garden. There have been a few butterflies around but haven't been able to get pictures, same with the bees. I'm still looking for a dragonfly. I must look back at my pictures and see when I started seeing them last year.
Still not a lot in bloom yet although everything is growing wonderfully well. I think this is going to be the best year yet for the plants. A few pictures I've taken around.
Female Finch

Blue Jay bashing a sunflower seed.

In my wanderings, I came across this little angel asleep in the grass.

I believe these are call Cups and Saucers. Not sure though.


I've never found out what these are called but look quite nice in drifts.
