A new day, a new year. We had such an exciting evening.....watched a movie and were in bed by 9:00 pm. It can't be because we are getting old surely, my mom 85 and my dad 89 were out at a dance, tripping the light fantastic til all hours. Daughter probably didn't get home until daylight either....
We have been eating so much over the holidays. Lots of sweets, cakes, chocolates, etc. Monday is the day of reckoning. It all has to stop. Got to get back to healthy eating again and LOOSE WEIGHT!! Saying this while I'm here at the computer pushing more chocolates into my mouth.
Santa was good to me....I got a new printer, scanner, copier, a dvd player that takes those sticks. ie: you can down load movies, series, etc. onto the stick and then it goes into the player. I'm also waiting on a new computer. The one I have now is very slow and is getting to be a pain in the rear end at times. Of course I got lots of other wonderful stuff, too much to mention.
We woke up this morning to some flurries. It's suppose to warm up by tomorrow with some rain I believe. The chickens have been able to get out and about the property as the snow we did have had melted and the ground was showing up again.
One of the girls.

A welcome at the back door.

The Fat Cat. I couldn't resist getting this picture.

There are still lots of juncos and chick a dees around and of course always the woodpeckers.

Now, after finishing a wonderful bowl of bean soup, I'm going to get the latest seed catalogue, settle back and dream of spring.