I'm trying to get kick started here this morning. Not much in the mood for doing much so thought I'd write about my day...yesterday. This past weekend during beach cleanup, I ran into the vet. Told her that Freya was still stumbling when I put the ear drops in her ear. She said to call Monday and make an appointment as these things took time to clear up. Up to six weeks in some cases. Yesterday morning I phoned and got an appointment for 11:10am. So we packed up the cat and took off. Final result...the ear has cleared up well but she was put on another weeks medication. I hope that's the end of it.
We had some shopping to do and I wanted to stock up on things as R. is going for a two week holiday to see his daughter in the US near the end October. I had to get some bird seed so we went to one of the larger department stores. Got out of the car when a pickup pulled up with a dead, large male moose in the back of the truck. There were women going into the store at the time laughing at it and yelling to the guy, "You got your moose." I nearly got sick as did Roger. Not only that but what really sickened me more was that the guy had stuffed his work gloves in the moose's mouth, trying to be funny. I couldn't get my head around how he could be so disrespectful of such a magnificent creature, any creature for that matter. It had upset me so much that I woke up several times during the night with that picture in my head.
Then we went to the supermarket. I noticed the prices on most things had gone up since I'd been there last. They say it's because of the oil prices. I don't know where it's all going to end.
I was out taking pictures a couple of days ago of different flying insects and thinking to myself that if anyone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be taking any pictures, something I very rarely did ever, I would have told them they were crazy, lol. I've gotten quite a fondness for these creatures and really do take too many pictures of them but heigh ho, what can I say. An internet friend, someone I haven't met in person, only to chat with, sent me two books on Butterflies and Dragonflies to help me ID these beautiful creatures. How wonderful is that!
I haven't seen a dragonfly for a while now, but the odd Butterfly and many bees still about. Lots of wasps as well only on warm sunny days for the most part.

A big surprise one of the rose bushes has bloomed again.