Yesterday we went to Gander, Roger had a dental appointment and I had to go to the hospital for blood work. We figured we'd leave at 10:00, get to the hospital around 11:00. I gave myself an hour there as it usually takes time to register then wait my turn, etc. Then we'd have two hours shopping until dental appointment at 2:00 letting us get home before dark.
I made myself a sandwich as I had to fast from the night before and knew I'd be starved by the time I finished at the hospital. Roger had a good meal before we left giving himself time to floss and brush as he wouldn't be able to eat again before dental appointment. We arrive at the hospital at 11:00, I register and get a number and am told to sit down and wait to be called. I was only sitting for a minute when my number came up. In I go, a bit nervous, sit in chair, look up and himself is looking though the window in the door making faces, lol. After having about five vials of blood taken I go back out. "You're such a baby," he says, "You had your face all screwed up." lol. Well, it all took less than 10 minutes so we had almost an extra hour to fill.
First stop, one of the larger department stores. I was looking for xmas gifts and really didn't know what to get. So many people!! I was getting agitated. I don't know why people leave there cart in a position across the aisle while looking at something and no one can get through, me in particular. I don't know how many times I had to shove one out of my way. I did however manage to get a few presents. Then it was off to a few more shops. It was nearing 2:00 by then so off to the dentist. The place was packed! After registering, we sat down to wait. 2:15 rolled around and we were wondering why Roger hadn't been called in yet. He mumbles something like, "She said something about 3:00." I said, "Three??, maybe you should go up and check that out. You might have gotten the time wrong." Up he goes to the desk, back he comes, "She says my appointment was for 3:00." Noooooooo!
Well, we got home just as it was getting dark, both exhausted. Friends dropped by after supper to let me know that they were going to the city tomorrow and asked if I'd like a ride in with them. So, if all goes well, I'll be off tomorrow and not be back until late next week.
Now, on to something else. The last few pictures I've taken look grainy. If anyone can tell me why, please do so. Make it simple though as I'm a babe in the woods where the camera is concerned.