I think it was Wednesday, although, it could have been Thursday, anyway it was a mild day. I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye on the window. What a surprise I got, it was some kind of moth or flutter. Well...nothing for it but to get the camera and take a macro shot. Oh how I've missed using the macro setting for bugs and it will be a good time yet before I see anything in the garden. I have no idea what this is but it is quite pretty.

Thursday....I had an appointment with the Doctor. So here I am, a person with not so much as an aspirin in the house, okay..I think there's a bottle somewhere in the house. Rarely do I have anything wrong, no headaches, no stomach aches, etc. Well, I do have a bit of arthritis in the hips if I've been digging in the garden for too long, but never take medication for it as it usually passes after a while. As I've mentioned, I found out that I had a thyroid problem last month and am on medication for that. Now, the reason for Thursdays trip to the doctor is that I have been feeling faint and get breathless doing things normal for me ie: bringing in wood, shoveling, etc. It was starting to worry me so I made an appointment at the clinic. I find out that I have an irregular heart beat which is causing the faintness and shortness of breath so I'm on heart medication to regulate it and have to go to the hospital for an ECG. Not only that but he, the doctor, looked in my ears and said I had Meniere's disease, which I knew and it causes dizzyness but I haven't had an attack for a long time. So, he gives me medication for that. Here I am now with bottles of pills in front of me in the morning all lined up for the taking.
So, I come out of the clinic and go to the car where himself is waiting. The car won't start!!! Ah, I said, "I have my cell phone on me, we can call the garage." As I hadn't used the cell phone since I bought it, and had many dollars worth of minutes saved up, I was thinking this would be a great opportunity to use it. Made the phone call and a voice came on saying something to the effect that there were no more minutes left my account was empty. I couldn't believe it! When I got home I phoned the company and they said that I should have put the new minutes in on the 11th. not the 12th. as I thought. I'm dishing the bloody cell phone!!!!!!!!! Anyway, after several tries the car finally started so we headed off to the drug store so I could pick up my prescriptions. That done we got in the car, it wouldn't start once again. After many tries, Roger went back in the store and phoned the garage. The guy said he would try to make it in an hour or so. Fortunately a friend came by, saw us there, stopped, we told him the situation and he brought us back home. The problem with the car...it needs a new alternater. This has to be brought in from the mainland so not knowing how long this may take, we are without a car for a while. It never rains but it pours.
We had a nice fall of snow over night recently so I took this picture of the storm door which I though looked pretty with the snow on it. They say we could get up to 25 cm. by tomorrow.

There have been quite a few birds around. Yesterday morning there were at least four woodpeckers near the back door and loads of pine siskins have been arriving with the evening grosbeaks.

That's it, I'm off to fill the feeders.