I've started....yep, started spring cleaning. Had no intentions of yesterday but there you go, something tweaked inside me and all of a sudden furniture was being hauled out, piled up suitcases being put away, strings of dust vacuumed off the ceiling, etc, etc. And, that's just for starters in one room.
Lovely day though chilly. Although I keep saying how it's been a lot like spring on some days, it will be April before we really see signs of it. Now I know that some of you are seeing spring flowers, even flutters and bees and I'm terribly jealous. But, where I live, just to see a small patch of grass showing up from under the snow is a big plus for the month of March.
This morning himself went up on the roof and cleaned the chimney. Call us crazy but we clean it once a month. I always feel "better to be safe than sorry". Anyway, he cleaned the chimney and was gone for the longest time after. I, of course was busy getting the stove going and making coffee but it did make me wonder what he was doing outside. He comes in all twisted out of shape, he had gone up to put something in the cabin, there was a lot of ice around, he figures if he takes tiny steps he'll be okay but it didn't work. He slipped, went down with an awful bang, hitting on his shoulder, arm and hip. He was just laying there on the ice wondering if he could get himself up or not. Nothing seems broken but I expect there may be some bruising. "A grand start", he says, " to the first day of spring."
A few pictures.
The Boreal Chick a Dee is still around, hanging out with the Black Caps.

Caught in the golden glow of sunrise.