There has been lots of bird activity this past while. Crows were here all day yesterday and I expect they are nesting close by. Again today in the early morning they were back again so 6:00am. I was mixing up some food for them. They really seem to like the new feeder we put up.
I have to say that they are one of my favorite birds. I managed one picture. Isn't he or she beautiful.

There was an old box in the bushes just up behind the house and one of the chickens decided to lay her eggs in it. After I got the first egg, I got some dried grass and put some in the box to make it more comfortable. I figure if it makes her happy to lay eggs in the box, why not let her.

I happened to go outside around dusk two nights ago and way up in a large Birch tree very near the back door was a grouse. I knew they could fly up in trees but didn't know they could get up that high. I got two photos though not very good. The second one is just to show the colours in the feathers. She or he then flew down on the roof.

I think this is a Purple Finch but not entirely sure.

I'm not sure what this bird is either. Probably a Pine Siskin.

The male and female Pine Grosbeaks come back and forth together each day. Another nest close by I expect. They make a lovely couple.

That's it! If it warms up today, I'll be out in the garden.