Two nights ago, we had a hard frost and I lost about three dozen Impatience. I had them covered with sheets but the frost went right through and knocked them off. I was so disheartened. There is ice in the bay again so no chance of much warmth until that moves off. Seems like it's never going to happen.
I went out with the camera a couple of days ago to try to figure out the Macro and yes, I did have the manual in hand. I tried various settings, running back in the house each time to take the pictures off but all I got were blurry flowers. The best were the two below and I'm not happy with those. I will be going into the city soon and will go to the store where I bought it and get them to show me how it works.

I saw this crow outside with another one yesterday. The other crow was on the feeder picking up seeds and this one was fluttering it's wings like the young ones do when mom is getting food for them. So, I'm thinking this was the others young.

I don't know where I found this or who wrote it but think it's pretty neat:
Life may not be the party we hoped for.....but while we are here, we might as well dance.