Saturday, July 07, 2007

Wednesday morning, my daughter phoned, crying, with tears of joy and laughter in her voice. Her daughter, my granddaughter had flown into the city without telling anyone she was coming and had just walked in Laurie's front door. They said they would drive out here the next day and stay until Saturday, today. They arrived just after lunch on Thursday and I can say that I was over the top with excitement. We got their suitcases in when crazy things started happening, my daughter picked up one of the cats to cuddle, unfortunately he had just come out of the litter box and had some poop stuck to him so Laurie ended up with this all down her blouse. She got the blouse off and I washed it and hung it outside. Then we were just getting settled in for a chat when dear daughter on looking into the kitchen yells that the cat has a great big black monster thing in its mouth. Daughter runs into one of the bedrooms and slams the door shut, peaking out through a crack. Now, these things don't normally bother me, I don't jump on a chair if I see a mouse, etc. But Hilary, the granddaughter jumps up on the chesterfield and I find myself up on one of the chairs. I scream at Roger to go see what it is. He comes back with a tissue with the creature on it....a black beetle. Honestly, did I feel foolish. Then a little later, I was bent over doing something when I say, "What's that horrible smell?" Laurie yells, "Mom, your hair is on fire." I'm not even going to go there with how that happened and no, I hadn't been drinking, lol.

My Precious Princess.

So, after all the madness, Hilary, Roger and myself decided to go and walk up the beach. It was such a beautiful day.

That night we just chilled out, rented a movie, when that was over we three women were left alone and had so many laughs talking about old times, new times, etc. It was great. Then yesterday they wanted to go to the Goodwill and have a poke around. I saw a big plastic container full of chalk sticks. I said to the girls, hey look at this wow, I wouldn't mind having those. Laurie says yes mom, what are you going to do, mark out a hop scotch thing on the road. Ha, ha. I thought I could do something with them and as there was no price on the container anywhere, Laurie said she would find someone and ask. She comes back and says that she asked the woman who said 50 cents. Laurie says "What, only 50 cents!" Then the woman says "Ok, a dollar then." I ended up paying a dollar. So last night we had a couple of friends in for wine and food. A great evening. And they left this morning. It was a wonderful visit. Hilary will be coming back with her partner in October...Whoo Hoo!


Jan said...

Hey, glad you had a lovely time, it's nice to be surrounded by friends and family sometimes. No sign of the ice berg now then? Glad you had some decent weather at last too. We had our two days of summer now, the black clouds are thickening up again right at this moment....

The Quacks of Life said...

i'm cracking up here

oldcrow61 said...

lol Pete, yes, we did a lot of laughing talking about it afterwards.

Jan the iceberg is breaking up. I did take a couple of pictures but they weren't very good. It's been wet and chilly for the most part here, got a break on Thursday. I was thinking today that we had our three days of summer, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi oldcrow, sounds like you had a fun time and had some good weather also. I like the beach pictures as I wanted to see what it looked like. Your gulls same as my gulls. Hope the good weather stays for you.

Robbiegirl said...

Had to laugh at "jumps up on the chesterfield"! ;) That would be a jump, all the way from Canada to my hometown!