Monday, December 17, 2007

The Weather Outside is Frightful.

We woke up to blizzard conditions this morning although it has stopped snowing now but still quite windy. I'm surprised the electricity hasn't been knocked out as that's what usually happens in bad weather around here. The morning was spent shoveling, getting food to the feeders, the poor little birds were having a hard time of it, up on the ladder once again to push the snow off the chickens greenhouse area and bringing in wood for the fire. At least the temperature has warmed up some from what it has been.

I was reading a friends blog where she mentioned a doll that she had gotten for xmas when she was young. That brought back a memory of mine of a boy doll that I received as a xmas gift when I was a little girl. It was sent from someone in England and at that time, to receive a gift from another country was a big deal. I remember he had a hand knitted outfit on and I can still picture him as I write this. Anyway, curiosity kicked in and I phoned my mother to see if she remembered anything about it. Yes, she said, during the war years, my grandparents befriended a young man in the British Navy and he would often come to the house. She even remembered his name...Maxwell McDuff. He had a sister in England and thinks it might have been in Stratford. My grandmother and the sister use to correspond and she's the one who sent me the doll. The sister died a few years later and when Max, as they called him got back home, he sent my grandmother a bracelet, which my mother still has. I said to my mother that I wish I still had all my dolls but when I grew up they were given away. She said that was the way it was, they would give stuff like that to people who didn't have as much as we did. A nice thought, but still, wish I could see them all again.

A couple of pictures of the storm this morning. Funny, they don't make it look as bad as it was.

This one looks like a terribly blurry picture, but it's the snow swirling around.

A few bits and bobs, taken a couple of days ago.

A try at capturing the sunlight coming through the window.

Roger arriving home from walk to the stores a few days ago.


Jan said...

Wow, that's pretty spectacular, you poor thing! Very Christmassy though I suppose. Do you normally have that much snow this time of year? We were saying today, it's not normally this cold here in December, it normally is mild around Christmas.

The Quacks of Life said...

do you call that snow? :D

oldcrow61 said...

Jan,This has been the coldest December for some time and if I remember right, we haven't had much snow this time of year for a long time.

lol, Pete. You're right, it's not much snow really.

ST said...

If that fell on england the world would stop.
The last significant winter snow was in my youth. I was a young teenager and roads were actually cut off, because the JCB diggers clearing the roads, could not cope. Now a couple of inches causes mayhem, instead inconvience.