Then, Roger steps out on the front deck and goes down through it...loose board. I was in the kitchen and heard my name being called, went to see what was going on and saw an arm half way in the door flaying around near the floor. Luckily he didn't break his leg or tear it open as there were nails on the underside of the board. After I help him drag himself up out of it he says "Why doesn't anything like this ever happen to you?" lol.
So this morning we are hoping to haul all the unwanted stuff down to the road for pick up next week. Although I expect there will be more grumbling about what I've put in the pile. ie: this morning he sees an old window I have in the pile and asks why this is going. I say that the glass is all broken out. Well, he says, maybe we will need it sometime. Argh!!!
Yesterday, two new birds in the garden.
A white throated sparrow.

A very poor picture of this little one but the only one I managed to get. I do believe it's a Kinglet, though not sure. Hopefully he will hang around so I can get a better shot.

What a pretty one! I've not heard of Kinglets...
Shame about the snow, I do hope spring really gets going for you soon.
Can't believe your awful weather, you poor thing.
Lol @ Roger's comment, he's just so tactful ain't he!
Nice that you've got a couple of different species birdies, I always get a great buzz to see something different here. Got excited just now cos a Wood pigeon was around, they only come by here once in a blue moon.
Actually, oldcrow, that's a Yellow-rumped Warbler. When you see one of these birds, watch for the patch of gold by the tail that earns it the nickname of butterbutt!
Kinglets, whether ruby-crowned or golden-crowned, are even smaller and less colorful.
Thanks Mike. I wasn't sure what it was. I can see a bit of the yellow on the rump now that I have a closer look. Love the nickname butterbutt. lol.
it never ceases to amaze me old crow the fabulous birds you get in your garden. That shot of the white throated sparrow just says it all.... a true wilderness paradise
Aww thanks BR. It is a special place.
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