Saturday, May 17, 2008

Not much happening lately. Weather has been miserable, wet, foggy, chilly. This says it all...

I believe the Blue Jays have built a nest high up in the spruce trees behind the bedroom window. Seems to be a lot of activity there. Took a few pictures this morning. The only bright thing in the day so far.

And to top it all off, I'm having a problem with my computer. A grinding noise after it's been on for a while. I think it might be the fan but guess I'll probably have to get it looked at. Just heard a funny noise and thought, damn it, I won't get this blog finished now as the pc is giving me grief again. No worries though at this point, was just one of the cats snoring in the chair besides me. lol.


Anonymous said...

I'm giggling now at the thought of the snoring cat.

Shame about your weather, ours has taken a turn for the worse too. Last week we had temps of 27C today it's 13C. Last week I wore my linen clothes, this week back in wool...

Jan said...

Your blue jays are gorgeous birds, envious of those. Weather been a bit better today, but as toffeeapple says, still far from warm here, sun trying to come out now though. Put the hall night storage heater on last night, but its still bloody freezing in here, will probably light the fire tonight.

Mo said...

Your blue jays are always guaranteed to bring a splash of colour. Great to see them again.

Anonymous said...

nice way to feel free and happy the photos are wonderfull